- Academician, Academia Sinica, 2006
- Member, National Academy of Engineering (NAE), 2004
- Achievement Award, Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE), 2007
- Fellow, Bell Labs, 1999
- Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1998
- Third Millennium Medal, IEEE, 2000, for contributions to the field of speech processing and communications
- Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 1996-2002
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1999
- Bell Labs’ President Gold Award, 1997
- Best Senior Paper Awards, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1994
- Best Senior Paper Awards, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1993
- Best Paper Awards, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1994
- Most Influential Signal Processing Magazine Paper Awards, IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1994
- Bell Labs’ President Gold Award, 1997
- Fellow, IEEE, 1991
- Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Award, AT&T Bell Labs, 1991