B. JUANG – Georgia Tech

Biing-Hwang (Fred) JuangMotorola Foundation Chair Professor and
Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar

Digital Signal Processing Group and Telecommunications Group

School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
777 Atlantic Dr. NW.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0250

(V) 1 404 894 6618
(F) 1 404 894 8363


Professor Juang received his Ph.D. from University of California, Santa Barbara in 1981. He had worked at Speech Communications Research Laboratory (SCRL) and Signal Technology, Inc. (STI) on a number of Government-sponsored research projects. Notable accomplishments during the period include development of vector quantization for voice applications, voice coders at extremely low bit rates, 800 bps and around 300 bps, and robust vocoders for use in satellite communications. He subsequently joined the Acoustics Research Department of Bell Laboratories, working in the area of speech enhancement, coding and recognition. Prof. Juang became Director of Acoustics and Speech Research at Bell Labs in 1996, and Director of Multimedia Technologies Research at Avaya Labs (a spin-off of Bell Labs) in 2001. His group continued the long heritage of Bell Labs in speech communication research, including, most notably, the invention of electret microphone, network echo canceller, a series of speech CODECs, and key algorithms for signal modeling and automatic speech recognition. In the past few years, he and his group developed a speech server for applications such as AT&T’s advanced 800 calls and the Moviefone, the Perceptual Audio Coder (PAC) for digital audio broadcasting in North America (in both terrestrial and satellite systems), and a world-first real-time full-duplex hands-free stereo teleconferencing system. Prof. Juang has published extensively, including the book “Fundamentals of Speech Recognition”, co-authored with L.R. Rabiner, and holds about twenty patents. He joins Georgia Tech in 2002.